
2013/11/1 11:11:06 来源: 网络




  (1)linguistic determinism: It refers to the idea that the language we use, to some extent, determines the way in which we view and think about the world around us

  (2)sociolinguistics: The subfield of linguistics that study language variation and language use in social contexts.

  (3)blending: A blend is a word formed by combining parts of other words.

  (4)registers : The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation.

  (5)pragmatics: The study of how speakers uses sentences to effect successful communication.

  (6)entailment: the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one is inferred from the truth of the other. E.g. Cindy killed the dog entails the dog is dead.

  (7)presupposition: What a speaker or writer assumes that the receiver of the massage already knows. e.g. Some tea has already been taken is a presupposition of Take some more tea.

  (8) context: The general knowledge shared by the speakers and the hearers.

  (9)commisives: Committing the speaker himself to some future course of action.

  (10)semantic features: The smallest units of meaning in a word, which may be

  2.(1)sense : Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form. It is abstract and de-contexturalized. It is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are interested in. while reference : Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world. It deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.

  (2) homonymy: Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form, i.e., different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.while hyponymy: Hyponymy refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.

  (3)deep structure : A level of abstract syntactic representation formed by the XP rule while

  surface structure : A level of syntactic representation after applying the necessary syntactic movement, i.e., transformation, to the deep structure

  (4) category: It refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb while syntactic categories: Words can be grouped together into a relatively small number of classes, called syntactic categories.

  (5) presequence: The specific turn that has the function of prefiguring the coming action. while

  presupposition: What a speaker or writer assumes that the receiver of the massage already knows. e.g. Some tea has already been taken is a presupposition of Take some more tea.

  3. (1) D  (2) D  (3) C  (4) C (5) B


  1.The acquisition of a second language is dependent on a combination of factors. The rate and ultimate success in SLA are affected not only by learners' experience with optimal input and instruction, but also by individual learner factors. The learner factors that have captured the attention of SLA researchers include age, motivation, acculturation, and personality:

  1) Age The optimum age for SLA does not always accord with the maxim of “the younger the better.” But it has been demonstrated that adolescents are quicker and more effective L2 learners than young children. The early teenagers are good L2 learners because their flexibility of the language acquisition faculty has not been completely lost and their cognitive skills have developed considerably to facilitate the processing of linguistic features of a new language.

  2) Motivation Adults are motivated to learn a second language because of a communicative need. If the learners have a strong instrumental need to learn a second language or have a strong interest in the way of life of native speakers of the language they are learning, they are most likely to succeed.

  3) Acculturation The more a learner aspires to acculturate to the community of the target language, the further he or she will progress along the developmental continuum.

  4) Personality The generally outgoing adult learners learn more quickly and therefore are more successful than the generally reserved ones.

  2.The inventory of sounds can change, and sound changes include changes in vowel sounds, sound loss, sound addition, and sound movement.

  1) Vowel sound change: English has undergone the systematic and regular change in the vowel sounds, known as the Great Vowel shift which occurred at the end of the Middle English period and which involved seven long, or tense vowels. These changes led to one of the major discrepancies between the phonemic representations of words and morphemes, i.e. between pronunciation and the spelling system of Modern English, e.g.five→ /fi:v/(Middle English)→ /faiv/(Modern English)

  2) Sound loss: Sounds can change by the loss of phonemes. In the history of English the velar fricative /x/ was lost. This sound existed in Old English, so “night” was pronounced as /nixt/, but in Modern English, its pronunciation is /nait/.

  3) Sound addition: Sound addition includes the gain or insertion of a sound. For example, the word leisure was borrowed from French, so the phoneme /3/ was added to the inventory of English sounds. A change that involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the middle of a word is known as epenthesis, e.g.spinle--spindle.

  4) Sound movement: Sound change as a result of sound movement known as metathesis involves a reversal in position of two adjoining sound segments. Metathesis is less common, but it does exist. In some dialects of English, for example, the word ask is pronounced /? ks/. Also, bridd (“bird”) is an Old English word. When metathesis occurred to this word, the movement of /r/ sound to the right of the vowel sound resulted in its Modern English counterpart “bird”。



  1-5BADBC    6-10DBBDB

  (1) Hemingway Code Hero   It refers to some protagonists in Hemingway's works. In the general situation of Hemingway's novels, life is full of tension and battles; the world is in chaos and man is always fighting desperately a losing battle. Those who survive and perhaps emerge victorious in the process of seeking to master the code with a set of principles such as honor, courage, endurance, wisdom, discipline and dignity are known as “the Hemingway code”。 To behave well in the lonely, losing battle with life is to show “grace under pressure” and constitutes in itself a kind of victory, a theme clearly established in The Old Man and The Sea. Though life is but a losing battle, it is a struggle man can dominate in such a way that loss becomes dignity; man can be physical1y destroyed but never defeated spiritually. Obviously, Hemingway's limited fictional world implies a much broader thematic pattern and serious philosophica1 concern. Hemingway Code Heroes plainly embody Hemingway's own values and view of life.

  (2) Harlem Renaissance  The first flowering of African-American literature. It came about during the 1920s and early 1930s in the Harlem district of New York. The first important literary movement of African-American writers, it brought the long neglected African-American literature to the attention of the whole world. Though short-lived, it produced such outstanding writers as Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, Jean Toomer, Zora Neale Hurston, Rudolph Fisher, Wallace Thurman, Arna Bontemps, Eric Waldron, and James W. Johnson.

  (3) American Realism Realism is the theory of writing in which familiar aspects of contemporary life and everyday scenes are represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner. This is the theory that authors try to use and guide them in their writing. It stresses truthful treatment of material. It is anti-romantic, anti-sentimental, and without abstract interest in nature, death, etc. Mark Twain laughed at people who were caught up in the world of illusions, who were not mature enough to see real situations. This is one example of the truthful treatment of material.

  1.How do you comment on the Romantic Period of British Literature?


  (1)As a historical phase of literature, English Romanticism is generally said to have begun in 1789 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads and have to end in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott's death. It is an age of prose and poems flouring in English literature, with major themes of the superiority of nature and instinct over civilization.

  (2) the early romantic poets are the Lake Poets and the second generation of Romantic poets includes Lord Byron, Percy Bysshey and John Keats. They saw poetry as a healing energy and believed that poetry could purify both individual souls and the society. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution.

  (3) the Romantic period is also a great age of Prose. Coleridge, William Hazlitt, Charles Lamb, and Thomas De Quincey are the leading figures.


  William Hazlitt , 因犀利的文学批评而闻名的英国散文家。他的作品主要包括The

  Characters of Shakespeare's Plays.

  Charles Lamb, 英国评论家和散文家。同他的姐姐玛丽。 安。兰姆合写过儿童读物Tales from Shakespeare 《莎士比亚故事集》

  Thomas De Quincey, 英国作家,因其自传Confession of an English Opium Eater<一个英国吸食鸦片者的自由> 而出名。


  1. C 2. D 3.C 4. C 5. D    6. A 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. D

  2.(1)。 the Queen,

  (2)。 12, 15

  (3)。 Lake Michigan


  (5)。 Texas

  (6)。 Whigs Tories Liberal Conservative

  (7)Canada, Mexico

  (8)。Great Plains

  (9)。Great, Mexico

  (10)。Death Valley

  3.(1) What do you know about the Chartist Movement and the People's Charter? What's your comment on them? -- The Chartist Movement was an industrial working class movement that happened in England from 1836 to 1848. In 1836 a group of skilled workers and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men's Association. They drew up a charter of political demands (known as the People's Charter) in 1838, which had six points: (1) the vote for all adult males, (2) voting by secret ballot, (3) equal electoral districts, (4) abolition of property qualifications for members of Parliament, (5) payment of members of Parliament, and (6) annual Parliament, with a General Election every June. Support for these six demands was loudly voiced all over the country. Other working men formed Chartist groups throughout the country to press Parliament to accept the 6 points. But Parliament rejected them for three times. In the end, the Chartist Movement failed. It failed because of its weak and divided leadership, and its lack of coordination with trade-unionism. The working class was still immature. The Chartist Movement, however, the first nation wide working class movement and drew attention to serious problems. The 6 points were achieved very gradually over the period of 1858-1918, although the sixth has never been practical.

  (2)。 What are the main functions of Parliament? -- The main functions of Parliament are: (1) to pass laws; (2) to provide the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation; (3) to examine government policy and administration, including proposals for expenditure; (4) to debate the major issues of the day.



  绿枝摇曳 yaoye  2.莞尔而笑 wan er  3.差肩而坐 jian

  4.遇人仳离 pi li    5.泪下如绠     6.蹒跚颤颤 chan


  1.中国现代浪漫主义感伤文学的代表作家 郁达夫 1921年出版第一部小说集 沉沦, 这也是中国现代文学史上的第一部短篇小说集。




  5.列出鲁迅的两部小说 《呐喊》《彷徨》







  它是一种综合性的舞台艺术。剧本是文学体裁的一种。按照不同的标准,戏剧分为不同种类。按艺术形式和表现手法 分为话剧,歌剧,舞剧;按照剧情繁简和结构分为 多幕剧 独幕剧 ,按题材反应的时代分为历史剧 现代剧 按矛盾冲突的性质分为 悲剧 喜剧 正剧



