
2013/10/31 13:39:39 来源: 网络



  I Term defining

  1.speech act theory

  2.free variation

  3.regional dialect


  5.language acquisition

  II True or false

  1.F. de Saussure was a French linguist who made the distinction between langue and parole in the early 20th century.

  2.The arbitrary nature of language makes language have a limited source of expression.

  3.Both phonology and phonetics are studies of speech sounds.

  4.In English /th/ and /t/ form phonemic contrast.

  5.The stress of the compound “inverted comma” is on the second element, so we can say the stress of a compound is always on the second element.

  6.There is one morpheme in the English word “beds”。

  7.A sentence is a grammatical unit which is structurally independent and complete.

  8.NP-movement only occurs when a sentence changes from the active voice to the passive voice.

  9.If a word is given a definition, it does not refer to any particular thing that exists in the real world, but applies to any thing of the group that meets the features described in the definition.

  10.The first meaning of a word in the dictionary is called primary meaning.


  1.What first drew the attention of the linguists were the s_______ used in language.

  2.Both Saussure and Chomsky make the distinction between the a____ language system and the a_______ use of language.

  3.P___ is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language.

  4.If the vocal cords are apart, the airflow is not obstructed at the glottis and it passes freely into the vocal tract above the glottis, the sounds produced in this way are called v_____ sounds

  5.The aim of morphology is to find the r________ by which words are formed.

  6.A s________ is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an affix can be added.

  7.Traditionally there are three major types of sentences, they are s____ sentence, c_____sentence or c________sentence and c______- sentence

  8.C_________ is generally regarded as constituted by all kinds of knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer.

  9.The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is it's a__.

  10.The f____ of the learners'  interlanguage is believed  to be a major source of incorrect resistant to further instruction.

  IV Choose the best answer

  1.Modern linguistics focuses on the present -day language, it will be possible to describe language from a _____.

  A sociological   B synchronic  C diachronic      D psychological

  2. The distinction between competence and performance is similar to the distinction between____.

  A  prescriptive and descriptive

  B synchronic and diachronic

  C speech and writing

  D langue and parole

  3. Minimal pairs can be exemplified by ______.

  A moon/noon       B foot/food       C she/sheet       D sea/see

  4. Vowels are distinguished from consonants by _______ of the obstruction of the airstream.

  A absence            b presence       c modification        d all of the above

  5. __ is a monophtong.

  A /i/   b /au/      C /ei/    D /ai/

  6. Derivational morphology, or lexical morphology, as a sub-branch of morphology, studies______.

  A inflection            B Word-formation   C morpheme      D root

  7. “Look” is a monomorphemic word which convey ______ meaning.

  A morphological     B morphemics         C lexical         D grammatical

  8. “There is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to (i.e., between language and the real world)”。 This is the _______view converning the study of meaning.

  A naming theory       B conceptualist        C contextualist        D behaviourist

  9. Pragmatics differs from traditional semantics in that it studies meaning not in isolation, but in _______.

  A relationship      B dependence       C sentence         D context

  10. Speech act theory was proposed by _______ in the late 50's of the 20th century.

  A John Austin        B John Searle        C Paul Grice      D N.Chomsky


  1.By showing the implicature produced in the following convention, try to illustrate the significance of Grice's CP

  (1)A: Would you like to come to our party tonight?

  B: I'm afraid I'm not feeling so well today.

  (2)A : The hostess is an awful bore. Don't you think?

  B : The roses in the garden are beautiful, aren't they?

  2. How does phonetics differ from phonology?



  the winner-take-all principle


  development area



  1.what are the uses of corn in the US and why do the Americans use corn as forage as well?

  2.What are the three symbols of technology?


  Yao and Wang are more than just freaks of nature in basketball shorts. The twin towers are national treasures, symbols of China's growing stature in the world. They're also emblematic of the NBA's outsize dreams for conquering China. The NBA, struggling at home, sees salvation in the land of 1.3 billion potential hoop fans. China, determined to win the 2008 Olympics and join the World Trade Organization, is eager to make its mark on the world - on its own terms. The two-year struggle to get these young players into the NBA has been a cultural collision - this one far removed from U.S.-China bickering over spy planes and trade liberalization. If it works out, it could be - in basketball parlance - the ultimate give-and-go. “This is just like Ping-Pong diplomacy,” says Xia Song, a sport-marketing executive who represents Wang. “Only with a much bigger ball.”

  Two years ago it looked more like a ball and chain. Wang's Army bosses were miffed when the Mavericks had the nerve to draft their star back in 1999. Nelson remembers flying to Beijing with the then owner Ross Perot Jr.  - son of the eccentric billionaire - to hammer out a deal with the stone-faced communists of the PLA. “You could hear them thinking: 'What is this NBA team doing, trying to lay claim to our property?‘” Nelson recalls. “We tried to explain that this was an honor for Wang and for China.” There was no deal. Wang grew despondent and lost his edge on court.







